Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Opportunity To Make A Difference

Reach deep into your pockets, fogo that cold beer tonight and find the heart to save a young Zambian child from the ravages of Jenkem.
Send your donations to:

Save the Zambians
P.O. Box 750ml
Criss Angel Lane
Lung Butter, Texas 60843


  1. This is amazing. We've now gone from sharing our turd related experiences in an obscure corner of an obscure website to sharing them with the whole world on a top notch site. I am so excited I pissed myself a little. It's okay though. I have been wearing adult diapers lately to create my own jenkemshpere. I leave the diaper on for a week or so, letting em rip the whole time. When the diaper is too full to accept any more turds, I simply empty the contents into a bottle, pop a balloon on, and let it ferment till the balloon is nice and tight. I can save the diaper for later too, letting small pieces dissolve on my tongue like a hit of blotter acid in Keith Richards morning cup of tea. It is my new Native American philosophy of jenkem production. Waste nothing. Use every part of the turd.

    Speaking of turds, Mrs Doctor made Indian food this evening and I feel a little bit of gastroenteritis coming on. I don't think eating copious amounts of "spontaneous combustion" hot sauce was a wise thing to do. The searing pain will be worth it when I hit the jenkem I plan on making with the anticipated shit storm due to make bowlfall in the AM. The extra eye watering spiciness is a welcome treat for some one who is on the daily jenkem program. It turns out spiciness is the variety that is the spice of life, which I am sure is very spicy. Praise Energor.

    Diapers getting full, I leave you with a poem.

    Another's vomit in my mouth
    Shit stains my chest
    Oh, me so horny


  2. Well I am so excited all I have been able to do since this came up is drop massive bombs in Mt Kohler, run around the neighborhood collecting used liter soda bottles and robbing clowns of their ballons.
